Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology
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of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology
Stefan-Meier-Str. 19 Phone: 0761/203-8370
79104 Freiburg Fax: 0761/203-8383
Netzwerk-Stipendium: Invitation to apply for a scholarship program
Academia Meets Industry (AMI) is an organization in support of pharmacy students at the University of Freiburg, Germany. There is an increasing awareness that pharmacy students who are interested in job perspectives in the pharma industry should be connected to this industry as early as possible during their studies.
In this context, AMI offers a “Netzwerkstipendium” to support students within Pharmaceutical Sciences (Master or Staatsexamen) and doctoral researchers at the pharmaceutical institute of the University of Freiburg.
The students within this program will be in close contact with an executive mentor working in the pharmaceutical industry. This person will provide advice to the student, make contacts for them and support them in their career planning. In addition AMI will grant 100€ per month as financial support covering for individual expenses. The program is restricted to 12 months. Further information can be found at the AMI-Website at Projects & Lectures.
Students and doctoral researchers at the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences especially those with an interest in drug development and regulatory affairs are eligible for this program. Participants will be chosen by our organization on an individual basis.
Written application including a vita should not exceed 2 pages. The application (PDF-file) should be sent to Please also send a printed version to Prof. Dr. Andreas Bechthold, Universität Freiburg, Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Stefan-Meier-Str. 19, 79104 Freiburg
Deadline for the application is 11.11.2024
The Phoenix Pharmacy Science Award 2021 at the category Pharmaceutical Biology was awarded to Prof. Dr. A. Bechthold and his research group.
The working group is thus awarded for its outstanding work and publication "Secondary nucleotide messenger c-di-GMP exerts a global control on natural product biosynthesis in streptomycetes" in the journal "Nucleic Acid Research", carried out by Dr. Roman Makitrynskyy, Olga Tsypik, Desirée Nuzzo of the working group in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Paululat, head of NMR facilities and research associate at the University of Siegen, and Prof. Dr. David L. Zechel, Department of Chemistry, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada under the direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Bechthold.